Travel gives you a Return on Life!

What does your "Emotional Portfolio" look like?

I attended a large event in Las Vegas, Virtuoso Travel Week, and it supplied me with buckets full of ideas, thoughts and experiances to share. In one of the seminars, the speaker spoke about the Return on Life and what the phrase might mean.

I have been thinking about that meaning of this ever since. We all try to invest in our financial future or our business or our quality of life. You have probably bought a home or car thinking, what does this do for my future?

Well let me ask you this, WHAT ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONAL FUTURE?


Are we doing enough to ensure our emotional happiness?  Are you thinking, how can I do more?  I agree, it is an interesting but exciting conundrum.

Is there room in your world for emotional investment? Do you have the desire to commit to your future  happiness?

I would like to suggest one thought. What about travel?  If you strip away the high speed business life we all lead and give your emotions a chance, could that work for you?

I know that when you subject yourself to cultures and experiences that are different than your usual stimuli, it creates a fantastic feeling of wonder and emotion that stays with you.


If we look at the need to serve our soul solid emotional food, not just trivial umbrella drinks...... that could work. Please understand, I am not suggesting that your favorite beach location should go away, we all need to relax. Working as hard as we all do, you need to invest in your happiness factor. Maybe looking beyond our normal boundaries is the stimulus that is needed, to... Look Further.

Whether that investment is by land or sea, in the mountains or deserts, you need to think about what can feed your  soul, to open that travel investment account! 

Take the time to do the research on what you can do to add to your emotional portfolio, to help enhance your Return on Life.

The return on this investment may very well 

be the best decision you have ever made.


As always, please let me know your thoughts and how you are feeding your portfolio. Where are you thinking of going that will add to your Return on Life!

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